Fertilizer Machine & Production Line

The analysis of wearing in organic fertilizer equipment

The organic fertilizer equipment will inevitably be worn out during operation. These controllable damage and wear during the safe service life of the equipment will not have a great impact on the equipment, so there is no need to worry too much. Severe wear is different, some wears just affect the normal operation of the equipment, but serious ones can also cause safety risks. Therefore, it’s necessary to do a good job of inspection and management of the wear of organic fertilizer production equipment.

1.Running-in wear: This is the most common wear of organic fertilizer equipment. When the friction between the new friction surfaces starts, the wear speed is faster. After reaching a certain level, the actual contact area between the friction surfaces increases and the unit pressure decreases and the wear speed also decreases.
2.Grinding wear: The abrasion caused by the cutting of hard particles on the worn surface.
3.Fatigue wear: This occurs more on the friction surface with rolling friction, which is manifested in the crack surface on the friction surface of the part. It causes the metal surface to fall off. The main reason is that the contact pressure of the surface material exceeds the compression resistance due to the effects of cold, heat, compression and extension.
4.Corrosion wear: The friction surface is oxidized and deteriorated due to the continuous penetration of water vapor, chemical gas or oxides and other media. Generally it’s oxidative wear and chemical corrosion wear.
