Fertilizer Machine & Production Line

The reasons why you must choose to use organic fertilizer fermentation equipment to turn organic fertilizer

Fermentation equipment in the organic fertilizer production line is an indispensable link. At present, the fermentation of organic raw materials mostly adopts aerobic fermentation mode, and the fermentation equipment is also diverse. The reasons why you must choose to use organic fertilizer fermentation equipment to turn organic fertilizer are as follows!
Features of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment:

1. The machine has high turning efficiency with a span of up to 16 meters. There is one-time turning and no need to move left and right after going forward, whose efficiency is 8-10 times than traditional turning machines.
2.The equipment adopts frequency conversion control, which can adjust the operating speed according to the actual conditions of the materials, and the product quality is stable.
3, The fermentation effect is good. The thickness of the fermentation material in the groove is 90-150cm, and the continuous aerobic fermentation is carried out by natural ventilation when the pile is turned.
4.The equipment relies on the turning teeth to rotate and planing the material at high speed. The large pieces formed in the early fermentation are gradually broken into powdery under the continuous turning of the turning teeth in the middle and late stages of fermentation.
