Fertilizer Machine & Production Line

What are the functions of the groove type compost turner in the production of organic fertilizers?

1.Mixing the raw materials
In order to adjust the carbon-nitrogen ratio, acidity and alkalinity, moisture content, etc., some auxiliary materials need to be added in the fertilizer production. The main raw materials and various auxiliary materials are roughly stacked together in proportion, which can be turned and thrown by compost turner to achieve the purpose of modulation.
2.Adjusting the temperature of the raw material
During the working process of the groove type compost turner, the raw materials are fully contacted and mixed with the air. That can maintain a large amount of fresh air in the pile, which is conducive to the production of fermentation heat by aerobic microorganisms to increase the pile temperature. When the temperature is high, supplement of fresh air can lower the reactor temperature. A state of alternating medium temperature, high temperature, medium temperature and high temperature is formed, and various beneficial microorganisms grow and multiply within the temperature range that they are adapted to.

3.Improving the permeability of the raw material
The turning and throwing system can process the raw materials into small clumps. It can make the thick and dense raw materials fluffy and elastic to forming a suitable porosity.
4.Adjusting the moisture of the raw material
The suitable moisture content of the raw material fermentation is about 55%, and the moisture standard of the finished organic fertilizer is less than 20%. In the fermentation process, biochemical reactions will produce new water, and the consumption of raw materials by microorganisms will also produce water. Therefore, with the timely reduction of moisture in the organic fertilizer production process, in addition to the evaporation formed by heat conduction, the groove-type compost turner over the raw materials will form a forced vapor emission.
