Fertilizer Machine & Production Line

What are the main ingredients and auxiliary materials in compost fertilizer?

The raw materials of compost turner can be divided into main materials and auxiliary materials according to the amount of use.
①The main material is the main raw material for compost production. Usually this kind of raw material accounts for 30% to 80% of the material. The main material is composed of one or several raw materials, and livestock manure, municipal sludge and grass charcoal are commonly used.
②Supplementary materials: Supplementary materials are mainly used to adjust the moisture, C/N, PH and permeability. They are composed of one or several materials. Generally, the proportion of such raw materials does not exceed 40% of the total materials, and the proportion of single materials does not exceed 20%. The common auxiliary materials are straw powder, rice husk powder, rice bran, wheat bran, cake meal, mushroom residue, fly ash, quicklime, superphosphate and phosphate rock powder and so on.

Moving Type Compost Turner
According to the nature of raw materials, it can be divided into carbon raw materials, nitrogen raw materials and conditioner raw materials.
① Carbon raw materials refer to those with high organic carbon content. Such raw materials can be used as the main material of compost, but most of them are used as auxiliary materials to adjust moisture, C/N and enhance the permeability of substances such as straw powder, rice husk powder, rice bran, grass charcoal, fly ash, etc.
② Nitrogen raw materials usually refer to those raw materials with a C/N value below 30. These raw materials can be used as the main composting materials, such as livestock and poultry manure, municipal sludge, sugarcane filter sludge, etc.. Some raw materials with high nitrogen are also used as auxiliary materials to adjust C/N such as fish meal, meat and bone meal, urea, etc..
③Conditioners and expansion agents are mainly added to the compost to adjust the properties of the mixture material, such as PH, moisture, C/N, matrix structure and air permeability, etc.
In short, about compost production, you should first determine the main materials according to local resource conditions and the purpose of composting, and then select auxiliary materials according to the nature of the main materials. Our common compost equipment includes moving type compost turner, groove type compost turner, wheel type compost turner, crawler type compost turner and fermentation cylinder. It should be noted that when purchasing fertilizer equipment, you must go to a regular manufacturer to purchase, so that the quality of the equipment can be guaranteed.
